Filing my tax return

Article updated on 03/17/2023

To get the total amount of payments to declare per year, go to Your Payments. You can filter the "Completed transfers" table by clicking on the year of your choice, and see the total displayed on the right. Be careful not to use the total amount received but the amount display as "rental earning" available in the details.

You can also download an Excel file detailing all the completed transfers, including information regarding the rental dates and the distance per rental in kilometers.

We advise you to contact your country's tax administration, which will be able to provide you the most relevant information.

For cars registered in France :

Click for More information or go to our blog.

For cars registered in Norway:

As a car owner on Getaround, you are responsible for remaining compliant with the relevant tax regulations and reporting the right amounts in your tax report. For private individuals, the Tax Administration has created this guide which is a great help.

NB: If you have rented out on both Nabobil and Getaround in 2021, you will need to calculate your revenue and deductions. Here you will find the annual report for Nabobil from 2021.

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