Verifying my profile

Article updated on 03/05/2024

If you book a Getaround Connect car or a car in category 3 and above, you need to have your profile verified before you can start your rental. In the UK, you must have your profile verified regardless of the car you book.

You can do this via your trip page, with the "Verify my profile" link. You will need to:

  • Check that your personal information is accurate. Your birth date, licence number, date of first issue, and all the information in your account needs to match your ID and licence.

  • Upload photos of your original ID (front and back)

  • Upload photos of your original licence (front and back)

  • Take a selfie video, guided by our verification system.

If you’re in the UK, we’ll also need your national insurance number and postcode to check your driving history with the DVLA.

Please note that we only accept original documents to verify your profile. Declarations of loss or photocopies won’t be accepted.

We try to verify all profiles as soon as possible, but profile verification can take up to 24 hours so we advise you to start the verification process right after booking.

After you’ve submitted your documents, we’ll let you know if your profile is verified, or if you need to submit additional documents.

For FR, BE, DE, AT, ES: Your profile verification will automatically expire after 3 years, in this case you will need to submit a new verification.

For Norway: Your profile verification will automatically expire after 2 years, in this case you will need to submit a new verification.

For UK: Your profile verification will automatically expire after 1 year, in this case you will need to submit a new verification.

What should I do if I can't get my profile verified?

If your profile verification was rejected, we invite you to check your emails. You'll have received an email explaining the rejection or asking for additional documents.

To make your profile verification easier make sure :

  • Your name and first name filled on Getaround are the same as the ones on your driving license and identity document
  • Your driving license is signed
  • You sent a photo of your complete driving license : front and back.
  • Your selfie video is clear with your face fully visible in the center
  • Your photos are clean and not blurry

If your rental is about to start and your profile wasn't verified, you can contact us. If your profile can't be verified because you can't provide the necessary documents, you will need to cancel the rental.

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