Guide to breakdowns and malfunctions

Article updated on 02/02/2024

All vehicles are covered by Getaround’s roadside assistance. In the event of a breakdown, the renter must contact the 24/7 assistance. Details about the process are provided on the Roadside Assistance page. If the vehicle can't be driven anymore, it will be taken in charge. Two cases are possible :

  • The vehicle can be repaired quickly : the driver will be able to continue his journey with it. In case of breakdown, the vehicle owner allows Getaround and the breakdown service provider to repair the vehicle up to the amount of EUR 200 (GBP 200 in the UK, NOK 3,000 in Norway) so that the renter can continue the rental. The cost will be charged to the vehicle owner unless it can be proven that the renter is responsible due to abnormal vehicle usage.

  • The vehicle can't be repaired quickly : the driver will continue his journey thanks to the roadside assistance takeover, and will leave the vehicle at the garage. You'll receive by email the contact info of the garage to organize the repairs ; then you'll have to contact the roadside assistance to organize the returning of the vehicle.

Repairing fees

In case of breakdown, repairing fees will be :

  • At the driver's expense : if the driver used the vehicle incorrectly during the rental (wrong gas, didn't fill the tank ...). If you suspect an incorrect use of the vehicle during the rental, you'll have to mission an expert at your expense. If the expert demonstrates the driver is responsible, the driver will have to pay for the repairs and the expertise fees. Please remember to report the claim within the 5 days following the incident. If you do not have the expert’s report yet, you can add it later to your claim.

  • At your expense : if the driver made a normal use of the vehicle and it broke down because of a lack of maintenance.

A €90 management fee will be applied to the owner if the breakdown was due to a car fault. A 200€ management fee will be applied to the driver if the breakdown was due to a pilot error.

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