Contacting the owner

Article updated on 03/22/2024

You will be able contact the owner directly as soon as they accept the rental.

To contact the owner, go to Your Rentals, click on the relevant rental then you can send a message to the owner, or contact them directly on their phone appearing on the page. We advise you contact the owner as soon as your rental is booked if you have any questions or to agree on a meeting place if necessary. This will ensure you and the owner have a smooth trip.

What should I do if I can't reach the owner?

The owner doesn't answer after booking

If your rental has just been confirmed and the owner isn't answering your messages, be patient. Owners don't always have time to answer right away or to check their email frequently. If you've tried contacting them on our messaging section, try to call them. Leave them a message so they can get back to you as soon as they can.

However, if the owner hasn't been answering you and your rental starts soon, we recommend you cancel it saying the owner couldn't provide the car. In this case, you will get a full refund for the rental and will be able to book a new one. Please also take the time to report the owner to our team. To do so, go to the car page and click on "Report" below the calendar.

The owner doesn't show up at check-in

If your rental is about to start and the owner isn’t at the agreed location at pick up time, make sure to:

  • Contact the owner on the messaging section on the rental page

  • Call the owner (you can find their phone number on the rental page)

  • Wait at least 15 minutes to give them enough time to arrive

If the owner doesn’t answer and is still not at the agreed location after 15 minutes, please contact us so that we can help you to find a solution.

Warning: if you cancel a rental without giving the owner time to answer, they could ask for cancellation fees to be applied.

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