How can I offer the cancellation fees to the driver?

Article updated on 01/31/2023

If a driver cancels a rental with you, they may have cancellation fees to pay. You can find more information on our cancellation policy here.

If you want the driver to be fully refunded after the cancellation, you can renounce your cancellation compensation directly from your rental page up to 48 hours after the rental was cancelled. In the "Need help" section, you will find a link to ask us not to apply cancellation fees.

NB: Please note that you can only renounce your cancellation compensation, Getaround's commission is non-refundable.

If you can't find the link to refund the driver, it's possible that you've exceeded the 48 hours to ask for a refund, or that the driver never paid any cancellation fees. if it's too late to renounce your cancellation compensation, you can always find an arrangement the driver directly.

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