Uninstalling Getaround Connect

Article updated on 03/19/2024

To uninstall Getaround Connect from your vehicle, go to Your Cars, choose the relevant car, then select “Listing status”. Follow the steps to request the uninstallation and make an appointment with a technician.

If you’re selling your car, you need to make the uninstallation request at least 30 days beforehand to be sure to get an appointment.

You’ll continue to pay for your subscription until the Getaround Connect device is uninstalled. Please remember that failure to return the Getaround Connect device to us may result in fees of up to 400€.

If we cannot retrieve the Connect device due the state of your car (car stolen, burnt, etc...), you will be required to submit documentation proving the car is no longer accessible in order for your subscription to stop and not being invoiced the cost of the Connect device.

You can send out any documentation to the following email addresses:

United Kingdom: connect-uk@getaround.com

Spain: connect-es@getaround.com

Norway: connect-no@getaround.com

Germany: connect-de@getaround.com

France: connect-fr@getaround.com

Getaround covers the uninstallation fee under one condition: a minimum of 5 ended Connect rentals. If not reached, we will charge the cost of the operation, which is 100€.

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