Tracking my performance, earnings and quality

Article updated on 03/12/2024

On the Performance Page, you’ll find tools and data to help you succeed as an owner on Getaround.

This data is available for any active car or any car that had a rental during the current or past calendar year. It takes up to 48 hours for recent activity to appear in the charts.

You can track your performance by year and by week. For the yearly view, you can go up to two years in the past, and one year in the future. For the weekly view, you can go up to 6 months in the past and 3 months in the future.

If you have several cars, you can see the data for your whole fleet, or display one car in particular.

1) Earnings tab


These charts allow you to estimate your earnings. Confirmed earnings are earnings generated more than 48h in the past. They can still evolve with adjustments, especially if the adjustments happen a few days after the rental ends. If a rental lasts for several days, the earnings are spread evenly amongst these days.

In the earning estimation are included:

  • Rental earnings, after deducting our service fees
  • Compensation for mileage adjustments, fuel adjustments, late fees and cleaning fees
  • Compensation for late driver cancellations

Not included are:

  • Getaround Connect subscriptions
  • Refunds related to claims (accidents, speeding tickets…)
  • Refunds for professional cleaning
  • Any other refunds where you had to present an invoice.

When looking at a single car, we also show you the average earnings of comparable cars if enough data is available. For this comparison we use the following criteria:

  • Similar car type
  • Similar car age
  • In the same area
  • With the same owner category as yours (private or professional)
  • Whether your car is equipped with Getaround Connect or not.

Occupancy rate and availability

Availability and occupancy are strong indicators of your performance.

The occupancy rate is the number of half-days booked (in part or totally), divided by the number of half-days available. The availability is the number of half-days your car is fully available.

2) Quality tab


Reviews help you keep an eye on the satisfaction of drivers. When reviewing their experience, drivers rate the car, and their interactions with you. The scores displayed here are the average of both.

Cancellation rate

Here you’ll find your cancellation rate for the past 90 days. The exact calculation is explained in this article. The monthly evolution is a history of your cancellation rate at the end of each month.


Drivers evaluate the cleanliness of your car at the start of each Getaround Connect rental.

Safety reports from drivers

Drivers can report safety issues with the car. No matter the severity of the issue, anything faulty in your car should be repaired immediately.

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