Understanding the search results

Article updated on 03/22/2024

How it works

The search function is designed to successfully match drivers to cars. It relies on 2 main mechanisms: ranking (how listings are sorted) and filters (that determine which cars do or don't appear).

1) Ranking: how listings are sorted

Listings are sorted according to a combination of factors: attractiveness, price, acceptance rate, distance, rental duration, the age of the listing and responsiveness.

Attractiveness: The attractiveness of a listing is the ratio between the number of bookings (or booking requests) for the listing and the number of times the listing has appeared in the search results. If this ratio is high, it implies that the listing will usually match drivers’ expectations.

Price: We take into consideration how competitive a listing price is compared with similar listings in the area. Listings with unusually high prices are ranked lower because drivers book them less often. Listings with unusually low prices are also ranked lower to avoid price wars on the platform.

Acceptance rate: This factor is only taken into consideration for listings which haven’t enabled instant booking. In that case, the acceptance rate of an owner is the ratio between the number of booking requests accepted by the owner and the number of booking requests received by the owner. The higher the acceptance rate, the better the ranking of the listing. Here are some tips to improve your acceptance rate.

Distance: The shorter the distance between the search address and the car, the better the ranking of the listing.

Duration: Certain types of cars are a good fit for very short bookings (small city cars), while other types of cars are a better fit for longer bookings (family cars and SUVs). We adapt the ranking depending on the duration of the search.

Listing age: We give new listings a boost until they’ve gathered their first bookings.

Responsiveness: This factor is only taken into consideration for listings without Instant Booking. The listings of owners who reply to booking requests quickly rank higher, while listings with pending booking requests rank lower.

2) Filters: choosing which cars do (or don't) appear

In general, the listings that appear in the search results are those that:

  • are available for the selected dates
  • the driver is allowed to book (rules apply)
  • have rental conditions that match the selected dates and hours

There are a three exceptions:

  1. Vans only appear when the van filter is enabled.
  2. Listings with an acceptance rate below 30% only appear when most of the other cars are already booked.
  3. The Getaround Connect filter is usually enabled by default in certain big cities (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Berlin, London, Barcelona), because drivers tend to prefer Getaround Connect cars and there's a large supply of them in these cities.
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